ok the past two months have been pretty busy for me. i've been trying to get as many freelance gigs as i can and so far so good. i just finished a project for half.com that should be on the internet soon and before that i was helping a friend designing backgrounds for an animated pilot that he is going to pitch. on top of all that, i just got back from Barcelona, Spain after spending two amazing weeks there with the lovely "GF". thats the 2 month recap. not posting a single thing in two months is a very terrible thing. almost embarassing. for those of you who have been checking out this blog looking for new stuff i apologize. i am working on not making this a habit.
about this post:
i wanted to draw a cowboy for some time now and i also wanted to mess around with corel painter X. this is what i came up with. i think i am going to continue to learn painter because its a really awesome program. (tip: painter is a big memory hog so make sure you have enough RAM in your computers!) hope you like this one! thanks for stopping by.
UPDATE: finally got around to add more links. check these talented mofo's out!